In relation to the intergalactic alien species known as a Bloodsucker. After Korah died she came back to life merging with a living organism called Wicked.
Real Name: Korah Hopkins
Height: 5'7"
Age: 21yrs
super strength, durability, symbiosis, enhanced jump, flight, healing factor/blood generation, shapeshifting, 360-regeneration, blood armor, haemokinetic constructs, organic manipulation, weapon hands/merge, beast-soul/morphing/mode, monster control, slime manipulation/ constructs, consumptive repairing, bone consumption, and matter ingestion
Group Affiliations:
a twin sister of Baeful merging with a woman named Korah Hopkins; a house painter and a former lover of Raden Gray. Baeful and Wicked become one to take on Blasphemous, together fighting and defeating him.