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As smart as they come Rewind is highly intelligent. He's the most advanced weaponist, engineer, and originator known to man.


The "World's Mastermind".


Rewind can be known for his magnificent arrangement of tools. Additionally, he has mastered and controlled his ability to kick mental shockwaves. With his technology, he is set to have immunity to all kinetic energy.  

Real Name: Kyle Cross



Height: 5'10"



Age: 52yrs





shockwave manipulation, teleportation weaponry, super strength, bio-tech manipulation, roboticization, power suit, data manipulation, intelligence infinitum, absolute intelligence/mind/creativity/potential, technorganic exoskeleton, enhanced inventing,

bio-technology, advanced technology, scientific weaponry, alien weaponry intuition, enhanced crafting, and intuition aptitude





Warmonger Gun



Group Affiliations:


Devil's Light










Early Life


Kyle Cross is highly intelligent, a mastermind with creating technology. He grew up having autism and ADHD, soon adopted by a loving single mom that had two other children. The two older siblings weren't genuinely close to him but still cared for him in a way. Kyle created the name Rewind at the age of ten, meaning "changing the past of time". Kyle believed he could try and stop tragic accidents before they even could occur beyond worlds. At least a year later he acquired inhuman abilities that Kyle thought was excellent, making his life more fitting. Kicking off or punching mental shockwaves could cause major chaos to houses, walls, and even people. Kyle knew is his power was unsustainable and a could possibly be misunderstood as a weapon, so he maintained his abilities and hid them from everyone.



Even though Kyle had mental disorders he was at the top of his class in every grade level, graduating at the age of twelve moving towards college. He eventually received a scholarship to Maxwell University, College of Engineering. By completing four years Kyle achieved the General Machinist Diploma he worked for.



In proportion to have such a creative whip-smart mind, Kyle becomes an engineer, recruited into working for the

BIU (Ballistic Intelligence Unit), also can be recognized as Destiny Headquarters. Although, was engineering wasn't just his favorite job he also preferred the like for science and technology, more on the verge of being the lab geek than a mechanic. He uses his alias name Rewind as his job name. Most times Rewind was in his own lab creating futuristic biotechnology hardware. Some of his inventions were sold to the black market shortly making him rich. Sooner than later Kyle lost interest and stopped giving away his designs knowing at some point his own technology could be traced right back to him and can get the company can have Rewind arrested.


After, destroying all his work he had witnessed a scientist purposely shutting down the Global Projectery while on the job, leaving the particle accelerator unattended. Without enough time the scientist quickly escaped and dropped a blue orb, an important piece to the accelerator. In seconds the machine exploded opening up a black hole and warping Rewind onto another world, the OE (Other Earth). Instantly, Kyle's heart was then replaced by blue orb, stranded on a wasteland planet all alone.


In less then no time he found an abandoned mansion and began constructing his own machinery. For most, Kyle manufactured futuristic technology acquiring his supplies from Halo's Magic, a secret magic store owned by Unix Halo. Her store was located on the OE somewhere near Las Vegas.


Kyle created various amounts of robots and androids, operating in his underground basement. He also made several armored exoskeleton suits used for upcoming battles he couldn't face alone.


The main weapon in every suit were two long double barrel turrets. Kyle’s ability to operate in the wing boosters, enable him to fly fast from his futuristic technology. 


Kyle’s last weapon that was also attached to every suit would be the helmet. The helmet Kyle constructed had a built-in respirator for oxygen. His helmet additionally gives

unlimited information about people of just anything in general.


More than said Kyle creates many specially designed armor for unexpected situations. A great

example would be the Android Cluster. This so-called war machine allows Kyle to go head to head against strenuous most challenging enemies.


Unremitting and Continual

Rewind rarely fights alone considering he holds the help from great teammates. Kyle is one of the famous five members of Syndicate, the notable heroes much like other teams. Many times

Rewind would leave for spending more time on working and other times on laying out plans. Never was there once a time where Rewind couldn’t fight.

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