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A monk... A thief... A trader...


Spoiled with everything he takes. Sure he can be humorous in a way but then again takes everything for granted. Martin is completely hard-headed when it comes to certain situations in dealing with people.


Bison is a drug addict and a stockbroker that wants to follow his father in his own shoes but has no self-control over himself. He is able to make any deal go his way with very creative thinking and persuasive answers. Yet, instead, Martin becomes an underrated boxer in the black market, trying to do right by his dead father by fighting his worst enemies.

Real Name: Martin Bowman



Height: 5'10"



Age: 32yrs





supernatural strength, strength combat, and weapon transmutation/transformation 





Energized Phaser Brass Knuckles 



Group Affiliations:


Nether Clan







In the making.....

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