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Baron Slayer an anti-hero, who is immortal for all eternity no matter what the cause of death may be. His body is made of a petroleum refinery(oil), much like refined oil cosmetics, giving him the ability to come back to life if and at any point were to be eliminated. Baron also acquires the powers to teleport within a certain radius where he had died last previously.


He has a weird sense of humor when it comes to violence and non-violence. A comedic character that fends for himself but not always. Aside from crime fighting, in addition, he has a strange way to crush over a women's heart, considered himself a ladies man.


Nevertheless, Baron is just another one of the top ten sophisticated skilled killers. 


Real Name: Baron Hodr (Höðr, “Slayer”)



Height:  5'10"



Age: Unknown





reflex control, pain suppression, age manipulation, and injury manipulation





Omega Axes 



Group Affiliations:


Devil's Light




Nether Clan






In the making.....




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