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Violent. Outraged. Mind-Altering.


A bloodthirsty monstrous man, who of yet is a living virus of red-skinned blood organisms. Baleful is one of the most badass, drastic, and insane edging killers who dwells upon mankind.


An Insidious Carnage.


Real Name: Raden Gray



Height: 177.80



Age: 20s





super strength, symbiosis, enhanced jump, supernatural speed, super hearing, super smell, healing factor/blood generation, shapeshifting, 360-regeneration, blood armor, haemokinetic constructs, organic manipulation, weapon hands, weapon merge, beast-soul, beast morphing, beast mode, monster control, slime manipulation/ constructs, consumptive repairing, bone consumption, and matter ingestion 





Two Katana Swords



Group Affiliations:







From deep space, the history of the Baeful can be led back to his birthplace, Deilara; an extraterrestrial space rock that broke off a planet light-years away from earth and escaped through a black hole. 


The rock Deilara was put into isolation and tested by B.R.E.A.K, a military space organization who were the first to form there own alien specimens. In the thought of restoring life to a bloodsucker, it was simply only to be used as a future bio-weapon of mass destruction. Their luck of building the creature grew greater by the minute altering it to have emotions and to feel extremely violent. 


The name bloodsuckers was a given name to the life-bringing creatures scientist developed because of their similarities to a vampire. Scientist eventually took notice that their creation only feeds on blood (all types) and various meat on different breeds.


They are also somewhat compared to the symbiote organism.



With these breathing parasites, they can combine with all types of life forms, and other living-based things. If a bloodsucker is merged with a human or any other life forms; both of them have the ability to control each other physical actions from either side they're on.


Though, Baeful wasn't the only one of his kind. another bloodsucker was also created, Wicked; a twin sister of Baeful's who also constructed from B.R.E.A.K.


However, the whole space station had a system override causing each med lab containment center to release all liable life forms including the bloodsuckers. Even scientist could not sustain any of there creations, losing both bloodsuckers in space. Baeful and Wicked had reattached themselves back onto their rock before getting blown into the expanse.


Soon after, Deilara crashed landed onto Planet 22 (New Earth). Deilara's impact resulted in a somewhat coincidental place, with a loving couple on a beach.


Baeful had then found Raden Gray, a young architect who carries a kind presence around him. When the Baeful linked with Raden they both became connected, merging with one another memories. Even though a bloodsucker isn't supposed to project such a judgment of emotions, Baeful adopted the caring personality from Raden Gray. Shortly, Raden and Baeful became suitable for each other.   




Strength and Weaknesses





Baeful has a sense that alerts him when danger is approaching, much like a human with his/her instinct. The most common feature Baeful possesses is when he travels from one place to another, the "Death Ball". This allows Baeful to generate and expand into a ball of slimy liquid. In this result, it is easier for him to latch on to buildings, cars, and other man-made elements. Baeful's traveling abilities are a deadly vine grabbing force of death that separate into multiple pieces and regenerate right back to him once Baeful has arrived at his desired location, transforming once again within the normal form.


For Baeful and Raden to interact with each other they use a link tunnel, a psychic subconscious method that enables Raden to connect with Baeful in his head as if he were dreaming. A link tunnel is very much described as having a lucid dream, giving Raden absolute all control over his mind and body. Whether if Raden was daydreaming, sleeping, or just closing his eyes, in general, he could use the link tunnel at any point in time to reach Baeful.


Although, Raden doesn't have to use the link tunnel at every time because of Baeful telepathically conversing with him, much like another voice urging him to do something else.


The link tunnel can additionally be used for time relapse, an ability that Baeful lets Raden use to take some immediate action on difficult situations. Time relapse is utilized to seeing thirty seconds ahead into the future making them more unpredictable. 


Like many heroes, Baeful also has a weakness, at the time when he was being tested back at the space station scientist exposed various elements that we're able to kill other organisms such as fire, water, acid, and low freezing temperatures. The bloodsuckers were immune to all these factors, returning no effect of any kind. Until the scientist figured they'd mix them with petroleum refinery(oil). This caused each bloodsucker to break off a piece of themselves and transform to dust. 




Enemies and Allies




Baeful has more enemies than allies considering his abilities are a threat to most people, after all, he was a made from a highly intelligent nation. Years later, B.R.E.A.K sent a team to locate and capture the two life forms that have flown through space and made contact on Plant 22. At the same time with Baeful and Wicked being tracked down, B.R.E.A.K released their strongest life form of them all, Blasphemous. 


This mutant creation was also manufactured to be the new and improved weaponized prototype. If anything it was Baeful's half brother. Blasphemous was rather diabolical, mainly the reason was because of him being part bloodsucker and having the power of an entity, a darker force. 


During, the small war against bloodsuckers and B.R.E.A.K, a member from Syndicate, the famous five, was fighting alongside against the two bloodsuckers. At all events, Baeful and Wicked were then seized and placed back into containment with the help from Baron Slayer . After, the fight Blasphemous went off a rampage streak killing anything he saw. B.R.E.A.K had no choice to release Baeful and Wicked to go head-to-head with Blasphemous. When Baeful discovered he couldn't defeat Baron Slayer, his alter ego forces him to unite and fight as allies. 

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