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B- Battle

R- Rescue 

E- Elimination

A- Assessment

K- Kill Team


B.R.E.A.K, an independent military space group that were the first to form there own alien specimens. They collect all organisms and combine them with new ones to create bio-weapons and machines.


Some serve in the B.R.E.A.K force to capture and retrieve missing life forms keeping other beings unaware of any encounter. 


They're typically known for creating the Bloodsuckers and the evolution of Blasphemous


B.R.E.A.K was originated way back from the year 2033. All members worked in the Blazers Kingdom, a city born and resurrected by there creator Retro-Man.


Blazers Kingdom was the home for B.R.E.A.K, bringing back any kind of resource to keep Blazer's home at bay. Retro-Man has the ability to control everything in time. He gave them the technology to build a home for all who wanted to live in the Kingdom.


Blazers Kingdom
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